Palm Sunday: March 28,2010
A day which people celebrating the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem in the days before of his Passion. I'm a "Sakristan" or so called Knights of the Altar, every year i join and witness this event. I remember way back 2008 during Palm Sunday many people in our Barrio starts preparing, making and designing their own palm leaves before Palm Sunday. And when mass ends they flutter it to the right and left because the priest starts to bless all the palms. Many superstitious beliefs says that these palms when blessed and placed somewhere it can blown away bad spirits.

Holy Monday: March 29, 2010
After palm Sunday, in our province we reminisce holy Monday by doing "Pasyon" or singing the words in the holy bible. When the clock points at 3:00 pm we have a procession of the black Nazarene called "Estasyon Heneral", it is the station of the cross but different stations are in different houses that the cross will route.

March 31, 2009: Holy Wednesday
We don't have any event in Holy Tuesday but in that day our parish have a Film Showing of "Passion of the Christ" a film by mel gibson, even repeated every holy Tuesday still the show touch our hearts and everyone knows it. In Holy Wednesday, at 4:00 pm we have a "kumpisal" or repenting sins, at 6:00 pm after mass we have the procession and it is the reenactment of what jesus have done when saving us from our sins. We cried, we grieved but who nailed him? looked down and we will saw the hammer on our hands. the crucifixion and the death of jesus reminiscing our sins, that we people nailed him in order to save us.

Maundy Thursday: April 1, 2010
5:oo pm Mass of the Last Supper initiates the Easter Triduum, the tree days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday and commemorate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of jesus. It is normally celebrated in the evening, when according to Jewish tradition Friday begins. And after the Mass is the surveillance and praying for the "santisima trinidad(the father, the Son and the Holy spirit)".

Good Friday: April 2, 2010
At 3:00pm a tribute to the cross which people walking using their knees to reach the cross and kiss the image of crucified jesus. When the mass ends, a procession again and this is the reenactment of jesus when died in the cross, And when the clock points at 8:00 pm the parish have a procession called "Soledad", it is the grieving of mary when jesus died, we do this by walking barefoot or without slippers together with the statue of mary.

Black Saturday: April 2, 2010
We commemorate this in our parish by the blessing of fire and water. In our barrio, people brings candles, match and different bottles with water which the priest blessed by holy water. Many Filipinos celebrate Black saturday as a family get together, swimming, walking to park, and have some picnics.

Easter Sunday: April 3, 2010
Easter Sunday also ends the 40-day Lent that reminds the world once again of the sufferings of Jesus for the salvation of mankind. There are Angels which are the Little girls who remove the veil of mourning of the blessed mother shortly after processions at Easter dawn, signifying the resurrection of Jesus. This ritual is popularly known as "Salubong" because this is done in a procession where the men and women are separated and coming from different directions. But they Eventually meet in front of the church. The men are led by the image of the Resurrected Christ and Juan Bautista and the Blessed Mother, Still Covered in a black veil, comes int front line of the women. After the procession in our barrio there is a game call egg hunting, inside the egg has a different cost of money so many youth participate in the game because of the prizes.
Thats all.. and may the lord be with us Godbless :) let us repent our sins this holy week